Friday, August 8, 2008

Is it cheap/easy to put a Subaru engine in a VW Vangon?

The Subaru engines themselves are pretty cheap and readily available. The main costs are the conversion parts [transmission/engine adapter plate, engine cradle, etc.], and the time to redo the wiring [or the $ to pay someone to do it for you]. However, many people have now done it and there are even kits available that contain the necessary parts. Therefore, in terms of both time and money, it isn't really cheap, but many people think it is worthwhile.

There are great resources available...the "subaruvanagon" Yahoo group is focused only on putting Subaru engines in Vanagons, and it has nearly 5000 members from all over the world. They are a very helpful bunch, because they've done it too.

I lucked out by buying a Vanagon Syncro that has already been converted, it has plenty of its own issues that I will explain in other posts.

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